Python/mysql "insert Into" With Variables
I have a problem with inserting new rows to the MySQL table. The name of the table will change, so it must be a variable and with that I have the most trouble. How can I change na
Solution 1:
You are not going to be able to have the table name be data. You will have to put it in the sql statement. Maybe like this:
add_word = ("INSERT INTO {table} ""(name, surname) ""VALUES (%s, %s)")
table1 = 'second'
data_word = (name1, surname1)
cursor.execute(add_word.format(table=table1), data_word)
Solution 2:
You do it like this:
add_word = ("INSERT INTO {table} ""(name, surname) ""VALUES (%s, %s)")
atable = 'second'
data_word = (name1, surname1)
cursor.execute(add_word.format(table=atable), data_word)
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