Selecting Columns From A Pandas Dataframe Based On Columns Conditions
I want to select to new dataframe, columns that have 'C' in value protein 1 2 3 4 5 prot1 C M D F A prot2 C D A M A prot3 C C D F A prot4
Solution 1:
In [22]: df[['protein']].join(df[df.columns[df.eq('C').any()]])
protein 1 2 4
0 prot1 C M F
1 prot2 C D M
2 prot3 C C F
3 prot4 S D C
4 prot5 S D I
Solution 2:
n = np.random.choice(['C','M','D', '-'], size=(3,10))
n[:,0] = ['a','b','w']
foo = pd.DataFrame(n)
print (foo)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 a M D D C D D M - D
1 b M D M C M D - M C
2 w C - M - D M C C C
mask = foo.eq('C').any()
#set columns which need in output
mask.loc[0] = True
print (foo.loc[:,mask])
0 1 4 7 8 9
0 a M C M - D
1 b M C - M C
2 w C - C C C
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