St_make_grid Method Equivalent In Python
Is there an equivalent to the very good st_make_grid method of the sf package from r-spatial in python? The method create rectangular grid geometry over the bounding box of a polyg
Solution 1:
Would this be effective on many polygons to process?
Certainly not. There's no built-in Python version but the function below does the trick. If you need performance, make sure that you have pygeos
installed in your environment.
defmake_grid(polygon, edge_size):
polygon : shapely.geometry
edge_size : length of the grid cell
"""from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
bounds = polygon.bounds
x_coords = np.arange(bounds[0] + edge_size/2, bounds[2], edge_size)
y_coords = np.arange(bounds[1] + edge_size/2, bounds[3], edge_size)
combinations = np.array(list(product(x_coords, y_coords)))
squares = gpd.points_from_xy(combinations[:, 0], combinations[:, 1]).buffer(edge_size / 2, cap_style=3)
return gpd.GeoSeries(squares[squares.intersects(polygon)])
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