Textfield Query For Prefix Replacing
Solution 1:
You're using a string to call the function, and that string gets interpreted in the global scope - as if you'd typed it in the listener; outside the body of your function, 'searchFor' does not exist.
Here's a reference on how maya sees callback commands: http://techartsurvival.blogspot.com/2014/04/maya-callbacks-cheat-sheet.html
MHLester's example will do what you want, you will have to watch out for closures. The lambda will inherit variables from the scope where it is defined -- but at the time the scope closes, not at the time it was defined; this might cause some surprises. For example if you tried this:
def test():
w = cmds.window()
example = 1
cmds.button("test", c= lambda *_: sys.stdout.write( "example: %i" % example ) )
example = 4
clicking the button will print '4', even though it looks like it should be '1'.
Solution 2:
Yes, you need a function. Making the command a string only works if all objects referenced are in global space (which is discouraged, so by extension string commands are also discouraged)
The easiest way to make a function is to use a lambda:
label='Mirror Orientation',
command=lambda *_: cmds.mirrorJoint(cmds.ls (sl=True), mirrorYZ=True, mirrorBehavior=False, searchReplace=(cmds.textFieldGrp(searchFor, q=True, tx=True),cmds.textFieldGrp(replaceWith, q=True, tx=True)))
Lambda makes an unnamed function, and the *_
allows for any number of throwaway arguments. When called, it in turn calls the cmds.mirrorJoint
that was previously in the string command.
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