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Adding Multiple Markers To A Folium Map Using City Names From Pandas Dataframe

Im trying to visualize data using folium maps, and I have to plot all Finlands' city names to the map. I've tried to use pandas dataframe since all my data is in csv format. Here's

Solution 1:

You can use geopy to get coordinates and then use a loop to add markers to your map:

import folium
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
import pandas as pd

geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="example")

l = {'REGION': ['Kajaani','Lappeenranta','Pudasjärvi'],

l['COORDS'] = []
for k in l['REGION']:
    loc = geolocator.geocode(k).raw
    l['COORDS'].append((loc['lat'], loc['lon']))

df = pd.DataFrame(l)

map_zoo = folium.Map(location=[65,26], zoom_start=4)

for i,r in df.iterrows():
                  popup = r['REGION'],
                  tooltip='Click for more information!').add_to(map_zoo)

and you get:

enter image description here

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