Delete Part Of A Row In Pandas / Shift Up Part Of A Row ? Align Column Headings
So I have a data frame where the headings I want do not currently line up: In [1]: df = pd.read_excel('example.xlsx') print (df.head(10)) Out [1]:
Solution 1:
IIUC you can use:
#create df from multiindex in columns
df1 = pd.DataFrame([x for x in df.columns.values])
print df1
010 Unique Identifier
1 Number of fund
2 Portfolio B24
3 Asset B65
4 Country B35
5 Quantity B44
#if len of string < 4, give value from column 0 to column 1
df1.loc[df1.iloc[:,1].str.len() < 4, 1] = df1.iloc[:,0]
print df1
010 Unique Identifier
1 Number of fund
2 Portfolio Portfolio
3 Asset Asset
4 Country Country
5 Quantity Quantity
#set columns by first columns of df1
df.columns = df1.iloc[:,1]
print df
0 Unique Identifier Number of fund Portfolio Asset Country \
04562 General Type A UNITED KINGDOM
11233 General Type B US
27892 General Type C UNITED KINGDOM
348524 General Type C UNITED KINGDOM
46541 General Type A FRANCE
59875 General Type B UNITED KINGDOM
63211 General Type B GERMANY
79513 General Type A UNITED KINGDOM
83574 General Type C UNITED KINGDOM
0 Quantity
EDIT by comments:
print df.columns
Index([u'Portfolio', u'Asset', u'Country', u'Quantity'], dtype='object')
#set first row by columns names
df.iloc[0,:] = df.columns
df = df.reset_index()
#set columns from first row
df.columns = df.iloc[0,:] None#remove first rowprint df.iloc[1:,:]
Unique Identifier Number of fund Portfolio Asset Country Quantity
14562 General Type A UNITED KINGDOM 121233 General Type B US 237892 General Type C UNITED KINGDOM 4448524 General Type C UNITED KINGDOM 456541 General Type A FRANCE 369875 General Type B UNITED KINGDOM 273211 General Type B GERMANY 189513 General Type A UNITED KINGDOM 293574 General Type C UNITED KINGDOM 3
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