Gae Sdk 1.7.4 And Invalidcertificateexception
Solution 1:
Quick workaround that I found: delete the file google_appengine/lib/cacerts/cacerts.txt
from your installed SDK.
Starting from the GoogleAppEngineLauncher:
as of google app engine SDK 1.8.1 this file as been renamed to urlfetch_cacerts.txt. Still in the same directory and removing it still fixes the problem.
– @Harrison
Solution 2:
Compact answer, current as of January 2014 (just survived an SDK update):
rm file /Applications/
or ...
cd /Applications/
rm urlfetch_cacerts.txt
and everything runs smoothly again.
And you better delete "cacerts.txt" (in the same directory), too. Otherwise the sdk command line tools will throw exceptions, too :(
Solution 3:
FYI: if you are on a Mac running Mavericks, this error might be due to using python 2.7.6 or lower, which has a known bug that causes this error.
For example, you would get a similar error by simply trying to get any SSL page:
pip install requests
>>>import requests>>>requests.get("")
The above would yield the same SSL cert errors. In this case, none of the gcloud (Google cloud SDK) commands work.
Upgrade to python 2.7.8 (or newer 2.7.X) to solve the problem (worked for me).
Solution 4:
Upgrading Python from 2.7.3 to 2.7.9 fixed it for me. I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard).
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