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Get Django Allowed_hosts Env. Variable Formated Right In

I'm facing the following issue. My .env files contains a line like: export SERVERNAMES='localhost domain1 domain2 domain3' <- exactly this kind of format But the variable calle

Solution 1:

Simply split your SERVERNAMES variable using space as separator instead of comma

ALLOWED_HOSTS = os.environ.get('SERVERNAMES').split(' ')

Solution 2:

The coma is making it a string

env = "localhost domain1 domain2 domain3"

envs = envs.split(',')


['localhost domain1 domain2 domain3']

Instead just split the string with space and python turns it into a list of strings

env = "localhost domain1 domain2 domain3"

envs = env.split() # By default `str.split()` splits upon spacesprint(envs)

['localhost', 'domain1', 'domain2', 'domain3']

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