How To Handle Ssl Connections In Raw Python Socket?
Solution 1:
Here is an example of a TCP client with SLL.
Not sure if it's the best way to download a web page but it should answer your question "SSL handshake in raw python socket".
You will probably have to adapt the struct.pack/unpack but you get the general idea:
import socket
import ssl
import struct
import binascii
import sys
def__init__(self, message=None, node=None):
self.message = message
self.node = node
def__init__(self, message=None, node=None):
self.message = message
self.node = node
return (self.sock and self.ssl_sock)
defopen(self, hostname, port, cacert):
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, ca_certs=cacert, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
if hostname == socket.gethostname():
ipaddress = socket.gethostbyname_ex(hostname)[2][0]
self.ssl_sock.connect((ipaddress, port))
self.ssl_sock.connect((hostname, port))
self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
if self.sock: self.sock.close()
self.sock = None
self.ssl_sock = Nonedefsend(self, buffer):
ifnot self.ssl_sock: raise NotConnectedException("Not connected (SSL Socket is null)")
self.ssl_sock.sendall(struct.pack('L', len(buffer)))
ifnot self.ssl_sock: raise NotConnectedException("Not connected (SSL Socket is null)")
data_size_buffer = self.ssl_sock.recv(4)
iflen(data_size_buffer) <= 0:
raise DisconnectedException()
data_size = struct.unpack('L', data_size_buffer)[0]
received_size = 0
data_buffer = ""while received_size < data_size:
chunk = self.ssl_sock.recv(1024)
data_buffer += chunk
received_size += len(chunk)
return data_buffer
Then you use the class like this:
connector = Connector.Connector(), server_port, path_to_the_CA_cert.pem)
response = connector.receive()
Solution 2:
You can use the wrap_socket method of the python ssl module to turn your socket into one that talks SSL. Once you've done this you can use it like normal, but internally the data will be encrypted and decrypted for you. These are the docs for the method:
Solution 3:
I think the easier way to do that would be using SSL contexts and wraping the TCP socket.
Python SSL module's documentation give a very thoroughful explanation with examples. I recommend you to read the relevant sections of Python 2 or Python 3 ssl module documentation. It should be very easy to achieve what you want.
Hope this helps!
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