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Import Opencv On Jupyter Notebook

I tried installing OpenCV on Windows 10 using pip. I used this command- pip install opencv-contrib-python After that when I tried importing cv2 on command prompt, it was successful

Solution 1:

You have installed openCV in Python running on your Terminal, not into the working environment which Jupyter Notebooks is running from.

Whilst in Terminal write:

py -m pip install opencv-python

When you use pip list

You should see opencv-python

More information here.

Solution 2:

In the Anaconda Navigator. Launch conda console as below. enter image description here

In the console: run conda install opencventer image description here

Solution 3:

Solution 4:

It seems like you run jupyter not from conda environment, that has opencv module installed. try to do this: conda activate <your environment>

conda install jupyter
jupyter notebook

after that try to "import cv2"

Solution 5:

Try this in anaconda prompt:

First create a new enviorment :

conda create -n opencv

then :

conda activate opencv


conda install -c anaconda opencv


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