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Pandas Concatenate Values Of All Column Into A New Column List

I am trying to concat all my columns into a new column. The concatenated values should be stored in a list. My dataframe: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['1', '2', nan],

Solution 1:

The following code should work:

df['concat_col']=df.apply(lambda row: row.dropna().tolist(), axis=1)

Solution 2:

You can use a list comprehension, taking advantage of the fact np.nan != np.nan:

df['D'] = [[i for i in row if i == i] for row in df.values]


     A    B    C       D
0    1  NaN    7  [1, 7]
1    2    5  NaN  [2, 5]
2  NaN  NaN    9     [9]

Counter-intuitively, this is more efficient than Pandas methods:

df = pd.concat([df]*10000, ignore_index=True)

%timeit df.apply(lambda row: row.dropna().tolist(), axis=1)  # 8.25 s
%timeit [[i for i in row if i == i] for row in df.values]    # 55.6 ms

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