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Python Nltk Brill Tagger Does Not Have Symmetricproximatetokenstemplate, Proximatetokenstemplate, Proximatetagsrule, Proximatewordsrule

When i try importing, from nltk.tag.brill import SymmetricProximateTokensTemplate, ProximateTokensTemplate from nltk.tag.brill import ProximateTagsRule, ProximateWordsRule Pyth

Solution 1:

I'm using the templates from nltk.tag.brill. There are four methods

  • nltkdemo18()
  • nltkdemo18plus()
  • fntbl37()
  • brill24()

which return sets of templates. From my evaluation fntbl37() is the best.

Here is some code:

templates = fntbl37()
self._tagger = UnigramTagger(tagged_sents)
self._tagger = BrillTaggerTrainer(self._tagger, templates, trace=3)
self._tagger = self._tagger.train(tagged_sents, max_rules=250)

I hope it helps.

Solution 2:

The Brill part of NLTK has been redesigned in NLTK 3. So all those classes you try to import do not exist any more. See

I'm looking for an example how to use the Brill Tagger but till now, I didn't find anything.

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