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Pythonic Way To Convert Variable To List

I have a function whose input argument can either be an element or a list of elements. If this argument is a single element then I put it in a list so I can iterate over the input

Solution 1:

Typically, strings (plain and unicode) are the only iterables that you want to nevertheless consider as "single elements" -- the basestring builtin exists SPECIFICALLY to let you test for either kind of strings with isinstance, so it's very UN-grotty for that special case;-).

So my suggested approach for the most general case is:

ifisinstance(input, basestring): input = [input]
    try: iter(input)
    except TypeError: input = [input]
    else: input = list(input)

This is THE way to treat EVERY iterable EXCEPT strings as a list directly, strings and numbers and other non-iterables as scalars (to be normalized into single-item lists).

I'm explicitly making a list out of every kind of iterable so you KNOW you can further on perform EVERY kind of list trick - sorting, iterating more than once, adding or removing items to facilitate iteration, etc, all without altering the ACTUAL input list (if list indeed it was;-). If all you need is a single plain for loop then that last step is unnecessary (and indeed unhelpful if e.g. input is a huge open file) and I'd suggest an auxiliary generator instead:

  ifisinstance(input, basestring):
      for item ininput:
        yield item
    except TypeError:

now in every single one of your functions needing such argument normalization, you just use:

 for item in justLoopOn(input):

You can use an auxiliary normalizing-function even in the other case (where you need a real list for further nefarious purposes); actually, in such (rarer) cases, you can just do:

thelistforme = list(justLoopOn(input))

so that the (inevitably) somewhat-hairy normalization logic is just in ONE place, just as it should be!-)

Solution 2:

I like Andrei Vajna's suggestion of hasattr(var,'__iter__'). Note these results from some typical Python types:

>>> hasattr("abc","__iter__")
False>>> hasattr((0,),"__iter__")
True>>> hasattr({},"__iter__")
True>>> hasattr(set(),"__iter__")

This has the added advantage of treating a string as a non-iterable - strings are a grey area, as sometimes you want to treat them as an element, other times as a sequence of characters.

Note that in Python 3 the str type does have the __iter__ attribute and this does not work:

>>> hasattr("abc", "__iter__")

Solution 3:

First, there is no general method that could tell a "single element" from "list of elements" since by definition list can be an element of another list.

I would say you need to define what kinds of data you might have, so that you might have:

  • any descendant of list against anything else
    • Test with isinstance(input, list) (so your example is correct)
  • any sequence type except strings (basestring in Python 2.x, str in Python 3.x)
    • Use sequence metaclass: isinstance(myvar, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(myvar, str)
  • some sequence type against known cases, like int, str, MyClass
    • Test with isinstance(input, (int, str, MyClass))
  • any iterable except strings:
    • Test with


        input = iter(input) ifnotisinstance(input, str) else [input]
    except TypeError:
        input = [input]

Solution 4:

You can put * before your argument, this way you'll always get a tuple:

  print p

>>> <type'tuple'>
>>> (4,)

a(4, 5)
>>> <type'tuple'>
>>> (4,5,)

But that will force you to call your function with variable parameters, I don't know if that 's acceptable for you.

Solution 5:

You can do direct type comparisons using type().

    ifnottype(input) islist:
        input = [input]
    for e ininput:
        # do something

However, the way you have it will allow any type derived from the list type to be passed through. Thus preventing the any derived types from accidentally being wrapped.

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