Replace Nan In A Dataframe With Random Values
Solution 1:
You can use the pandas update command, this way:
1) Generate a random DataFrame with the same columns and index as the original one:
import numpy as np; import pandas as pd
M = len(df.index)
N = len(df.columns)
ran = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(M,N), columns=df.columns, index=df.index)
2) Then use update
, so that the NaN values in df
will be replaced by the generated random values
In the above example I used values from a standard normal, but you can also use values randomly picked from the original DataFrame:
import numpy as np; import pandas as pd
M = len(df.index)
N = len(df.columns)
val = np.ravel(df.values)
val = val[~np.isnan(val)]
val = np.random.choice(val, size=(M,N))
ran = pd.DataFrame(val, columns=df.columns, index=df.index)
Solution 2:
Well, if you use fillna
to fill the NaN
, a random generator works only once and will fill all N/As with the same number.
So, make sure that a random number is generated and used each time. For a dataframe like this :
DateAB02015-01-01 NaNNaN12015-01-02 NaNNaN22015-01-03 NaNNaN32015-01-04 NaNNaN42015-01-05 NaNNaN52015-01-06 NaNNaN62015-01-07 NaNNaN72015-01-08 NaNNaN82015-01-09 NaNNaN92015-01-10 NaNNaN102015-01-11 NaNNaN112015-01-12 NaNNaN122015-01-13 NaNNaN132015-01-14 NaNNaN142015-01-15 NaNNaN152015-01-16 NaNNaN
I used the following code to fill up the NaNs
in column A:
import random
x['A'] = x['A'].apply(lambda v: random.random() * 1000)
Which will give us something like:
DateAB02015-01-01 96.538211NaN12015-01-02 404.683392NaN22015-01-03 849.614253NaN32015-01-04 590.030660NaN42015-01-05 203.167519NaN52015-01-06 980.508258NaN62015-01-07 221.088002NaN72015-01-08 285.013762NaN
Solution 3:
If you want to replace all NaNs from the DF with random values from a list, you can do something like this:
import numpy as np
df.applymap(lambda l: l ifnot np.isnan(l) else np.random.choice([1, 3]))
Solution 4:
If you want to replace NaN in your column with hot deck technique, I can propose way like this :
defhot_deck(dataframe) :
dataframe = dataframe.fillna(0)
for col in dataframe.columns :
assert (dataframe[col].dtype == np.float64) | (dataframe[col].dtype == np.int64)
liste_sample = dataframe[dataframe[col] != 0][col].unique()
dataframe[col] = dataframe.apply(lambda row : random.choice(liste_sample) if row[col] == 0else row[col],axis=1)
return dataframe
After if you prefer just replace NaN with a new random value for each iteration you can do a thing like that. You've just to determine the max value of your random choices.
defhot_deck(dataframe,max_value) :
dataframe = dataframe.fillna(0)
for col in dataframe.columns :
assert (dataframe[col].dtype == np.float64) | (dataframe[col].dtype == np.int64)
liste_sample = random.sample(range(max_value),dataframe.isnull().sum())
dataframe[col] = dataframe.apply(lambda row : random.choice(liste_sample) if row[col] == 0else row[col],axis=1)
return dataframe
Solution 5:
Using fillna() inside loop and setting 'limit' attribute as 1 can help in replacing nan with different random values.
import random
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