Scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom Uses Nearest-neighbor-like Algorithm For Scaling-down
While testing scipy's zoom function, I found that the results of scailng-down an array are similar to the nearest-neighbour algorithm, rather than averaging. This increases noise d
Solution 1:
Nobody posted a working answer, so I will post a solution I currently use. Not the most elegant, but works.
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
defzoomArray(inArray, finalShape, sameSum=False,
zoomFunction=scipy.ndimage.zoom, **zoomKwargs):
Normally, one can use scipy.ndimage.zoom to do array/image rescaling.
However, scipy.ndimage.zoom does not coarsegrain images well. It basically
takes nearest neighbor, rather than averaging all the pixels, when
coarsegraining arrays. This increases noise. Photoshop doesn't do that, and
performs some smart interpolation-averaging instead.
If you were to coarsegrain an array by an integer factor, e.g. 100x100 ->
25x25, you just need to do block-averaging, that's easy, and it reduces
noise. But what if you want to coarsegrain 100x100 -> 30x30?
Then my friend you are in trouble. But this function will help you. This
function will blow up your 100x100 array to a 120x120 array using
scipy.ndimage zoom Then it will coarsegrain a 120x120 array by
block-averaging in 4x4 chunks.
It will do it independently for each dimension, so if you want a 100x100
array to become a 60x120 array, it will blow up the first and the second
dimension to 120, and then block-average only the first dimension.
inArray: n-dimensional numpy array (1D also works)
finalShape: resulting shape of an array
sameSum: bool, preserve a sum of the array, rather than values.
by default, values are preserved
zoomFunction: by default, scipy.ndimage.zoom. You can plug your own.
zoomKwargs: a dict of options to pass to zoomFunction.
inArray = np.asarray(inArray, dtype=np.double)
inShape = inArray.shape
assertlen(inShape) == len(finalShape)
mults = [] # multipliers for the final coarsegrainingfor i inrange(len(inShape)):
if finalShape[i] < inShape[i]:
mults.append(int(np.ceil(inShape[i] / finalShape[i])))
# shape to which to blow up
tempShape = tuple([i * j for i, j inzip(finalShape, mults)])
# stupid zoom doesn't accept the final shape. Carefully crafting the# multipliers to make sure that it will work.
zoomMultipliers = np.array(tempShape) / np.array(inShape) + 0.0000001assert zoomMultipliers.min() >= 1# applying scipy.ndimage.zoom
rescaled = zoomFunction(inArray, zoomMultipliers, **zoomKwargs)
for ind, mult inenumerate(mults):
if mult != 1:
sh = list(rescaled.shape)
assert sh[ind] % mult == 0
newshape = sh[:ind] + [sh[ind] // mult, mult] + sh[ind + 1:]
rescaled.shape = newshape
rescaled = np.mean(rescaled, axis=ind + 1)
assert rescaled.shape == finalShape
if sameSum:
extraSize = /
rescaled /= extraSize
return rescaled
myar = np.arange(16).reshape((4,4))
rescaled = zoomArray(myar, finalShape=(3, 5))
Solution 2:
FWIW i found that order=1 at least preserves the mean a lot better than the default or order=3 (as expected really)
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