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Scrapy Pipeline To Parse

I made a pipeline to put scrapy data to my Parse Backend PARSE = '' PORT = 443 However, I can't find the right way to post the data in Parse. Because everytime it crea

Solution 1:

Looks like you have a set inside item['data'], which isn't accepted on JSON.

You need to change that field back to list before trying to make it JSON acceptable.

Solution 2:

I found the solution

def process_item(self, item, spider):
    fordatain item:
        if not data:
            raise DropItem("Missing data!")
    connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(

    connection.request('POST', '/1/classes/Articles', json.dumps(dict(item)), {
   "X-Parse-Application-Id": "WW",
   "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": "WW",
   "Content-Type": "application/json"
    log.msg("Question added to PARSE !", level=log.DEBUG, spider=spider)
    return item
    #self.collection.update({'url': item['url']}, dict(item), upsert=True)

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