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Split Up A Text File Based On Its Contents

I have a text file that looks like this: SYSTEM DOF=UY,UZ,RX LENGTH=FT FORCE=Kip JOINT 1 X=0 Y=-132.644 Z=0 2 X=0 Y=-80 Z=0 3 X=0 Y=-40 Z=0 4 X=0 Y=0 Z=0

Solution 1:

Your solution seemed fragile:

  • you have to filter headers, non-data lines
  • you use eval() which is really overkill and unsafe.
  • using readlines() can be very memory-hungry: reads all data in memory, you don't need to do that. Just read one line at a time.
  • you miss the code to write back to the output files

My solution uses regular expressions to extract all data in one go. Comments in the code:

import re

# regex to extract data line    
r = re.compile(r"\s*(\d+)\s+X=(\S+)\s+Y=(\S+)\s+Z=(\S+)")

withopen('RawDataFile_445.txt') as a:

    # open all 4 files with a meaningful name
    files=[open("file_{}.txt".format(x),"w") for x in ["J","X","Y","Z"]]
    for line in a:
        m = r.match(line)
        if m:
            # line matches: write in all 4 files (using zip to avoid doing# it one by one)for f,v inzip(files,m.groups()):

    # close all output files now that it's donefor f in files:

you can test it by replacing the with open(...) as a: bit by:



  1  X=0  Y=-132.644  Z=0
  2  X=0  Y=-80  Z=0
  3  X=0  Y=-40  Z=0
  4  X=0  Y=0  Z=0
  5  X=0  Y=40  Z=0
  6  X=0  Y=80  Z=0
  7  X=0  Y=132.644  Z=0""".splitlines().__iter__()

emulating the input file lines (that's how I do to answer questions with input files, to avoid creating input files on my system). You'll see the 4 files are created and filled up (don't forget the close part at the end of the code)

Solution 2:


xlist, ylist, zlist = [], [], []
for line in file.readlines():
        if line.strip()[0].isdigit():
                s = line.split("=")
                x, y, z = (float(s[i][:-1].strip()) for i inrange(1, 4))

This will do it for every line that starts with a number. Note: without empty lines, you have no need for the try statement.

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