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What Does Buffer_size Do In Tensorflow Dataset Shuffling?

So I've been play around with this code: and have almost developed a good idea about its functioning. However, I can't quite d

Solution 1:

It's used as the buffer_size argument in Have you read the docs?

This dataset fills a buffer with buffer_size elements, then randomly samples elements from this buffer, replacing the selected elements with new elements. For perfect shuffling, a buffer size greater than or equal to the full size of the dataset is required.

For instance, if your dataset contains 10,000 elements but buffer_size is set to 1,000, then shuffle will initially select a random element from only the first 1,000 elements in the buffer. Once an element is selected, its space in the buffer is replaced by the next (i.e. 1,001-st) element, maintaining the 1,000 element buffer.

Solution 2:

In the documentation of TensorFlow, the buffer_size define a random first element between the size of buffer_size. After choose this random one, the next numbers will follow the size of buffer_size

samples = 1000 buffer_size = 100

choose a random between (0, 100) random = 37 the sample will be (37 to 137)

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