Writing A Csv Horizontally
Say we are reading data from some source with multiple key-value pairs. Let's use the following list as an example: [{'key0': 'key0_value0', 'key1': 'key1_value0'}, {'key0': 'key0
Solution 1:
You'll have to first collect all your 'columns', then write. You can do that by converting everything to a list of lists, then use zip(*columns)
to transpose the list of columns to a list of rows:
columns = [['key_header'] + sorted(inputlist[0].keys())] # first column
for i, entry in enumerate(inputlist):
columns.append([i] + [entry[k] for k in columns[0][1:]])
with open(outputfilename, 'wb') as output:
writer = csv.writer(output)
Demo showing the row output:
>>>from pprint import pprint>>>inputlist = [{'key0': 'key0_value0', 'key1': 'key1_value0'},... {'key0': 'key0_value1', 'key1': 'key1_value1'}]>>>columns = [['key_header'] + sorted(inputlist[0].keys())] # first column>>>for i, entry inenumerate(inputlist):... columns.append([i] + [entry[k] for k in columns[0][1:]])...>>>pprint(zip(*columns))
[('key_header', 0, 1),
('key0', 'key0_value0', 'key0_value1'),
('key1', 'key1_value0', 'key1_value1')]
Solution 2:
There is no way to write columns progressively, because that's not how text files (which CSV files are a subset of) work. You can't append to a line/row in the middle of a file; all you can do is append new lines at the end.
However, I'm not sure why you need to do this anyway. Just transpose the list in-memory, then write it row by row.
For example:
values = [{'key0': 'key0_value0', 'key1': 'key1_value0'},
{'key0': 'key0_value1', 'key1': 'key1_value1'}]
transposed = zip(*(x.items() for x in values))
grouped = ([pairs[0][0]] + [pair[1] for pair inpairs] forpairsin transposed)
Just transposing the items
isn't quite enough, because you end up with a copy of key0
for each value, instead of just one copy. That's what the grouped
is for.
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