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Buildozer 0.32 Fails To Build

After downloading the official Buildozer VM from the kivy project ( updating it like in the README of the VM suggested (

Solution 1:

Installing the most recent dev version (0.33dev) from github in a new (Ubuntu) vm solved the problem for me.

These are the commands from

cd ~
git clone
cd buildozer
sudo python2.7 install

Don't forget the buildozer requirements:

Keep in mind to delete the buildozer.spec and .buildozer/. After creating the new buildozer.spec you'll have to 'enable' the line #android.bootstrap = sdl2 and add hostpython2 as requirement. This is due to a known Bug:

Running buildozer the first time will result in some missing packages. Just install them.

If you are using shared folders with the vm, errors may occur. Just copy the files to local VM storage in such a case.

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