Cannot Revoke_ingress For Non-default Vpc With Boto3
AWS Lambda / python 2.7 / boto3 I'm trying to revoke one rule out of many in a security group (SG_we_are_working_with) but receive error An error occurred (InvalidGroup.NotFound)
Solution 1:
I have found that the easiest way to revoke permissions is to pass-in the permissions already on the security group:
import boto3
# Connect to the Amazon EC2 service
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
# Retrieve the security group
security_groups = ec2.security_groups.filter(GroupNames=['MY-GROUP-NAME'])
# Delete all rules in the groupfor group in security_groups:
group.revoke_ingress(IpPermissions = group.ip_permissions)
Solution 2:
All code above is correct except the last part, have no idea why it is not explained in the doc.
Solution, using the code from the question:
IpPermissions = IpPermissions,
So, all that stuff
FromPort = item['FromPort'],
GroupName = SG_we_are_working_with,
IpProtocol = 'tcp',
SourceSecurityGroupName = SG_which_is_the_source_of_the_traffic,
ToPort = item['ToPort']
was excessive and caused the error.
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