Duplicate Log Entries With Google Cloud Stackdriver Logging Of Python Code On Kubernetes Engine
I have a simple Python app running in a container on Google Kubernetes Engine. I am trying to connect the standard Python logging to Google Stackdriver logging using this guide. I
Solution 1:
I solved this problem by overwriting the handlers
property on my root logger immediately after calling the setup_logging
import logging
from google.cloud import logging as gcp_logging
from google.cloud.logging.handlers import CloudLoggingHandler, ContainerEngineHandler, AppEngineHandler
logging_client = gcp_logging.Client()
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
# use the GCP handler ONLY in order to prevent logs from getting written to STDERR
root_logger.handlers = [handler
for handler in root_logger.handlers
ifisinstance(handler, (CloudLoggingHandler, ContainerEngineHandler, AppEngineHandler))]
To elaborate on this a bit, the client.setup_logging
method sets up 2 handlers, a normal logging.StreamHandler
and also a GCP-specific handler. So, logs will go to both stderr and Cloud Logging. You need to remove the stream handler from the handlers list to prevent the duplication.
EDIT: I have filed an issue with Google to add an argument to to make this less hacky.
Solution 2:
Problem is in the way how logging client initializes root logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
it adds default stream handler in addition to Stackdriver handler. My workaround for now is to initialize appropriate Stackdriver handler manually:
# this basically manually sets logger compatible with GKE/fluentd# as LoggingClient automatically add another StreamHandler - so # log records are duplicatedfrom google.cloud.logging.handlers import ContainerEngineHandler
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
handler = ContainerEngineHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
root = logging.getLogger()
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