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Filenotfounderror: [errno 2] :no Such File Or Directory: 'c:/users/my_computer/desktop/compare/mhan-master/aid_train/aid_train_lr/x4\\9.png'

I'm very new to python environment. I have tried to compile a super-resolution code for upscaling factor 4 using my own dataset. The low resolution RGB images are kept in 'C:/Users

Solution 1:


Your string contains a double backslash at the end of the path, that's why you can't access the directory

use a raw string like


or review your os.path.join


Try to convert every string into a raw-String, like mentioned above. You are still getting double backslashes, because certain \character combinations are escaped.

These are the escaped characters:


Edit your code to:

self.HR =r'C:/Users/My_computer/Desktop/Compare/MHAN- 
self.LR =r'C:/Users/My_computer/Desktop/Compare/MHAN- 

Please notice the "r" in front of the string to convert them into raw-Strings.

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