Filter Http Get Requests Packets Using Scapy
I am trying to filter HTTP Get request packets using scapy by using the Raw information of the packet for deciding which packet is a Get request and which isn't but I didn't find a
Solution 1:
This warn is for scapy source code(, not for python compiler:
warning("Calling str(pkt) on Python 3 makes no sense!")
Then, base on source, the bytes function return an analysable byte array with no warning fire:
if six.PY2:
# type: () -> strreturn
# type: () -> str
warning("Calling str(pkt) on Python 3 makes no sense!")
# type: () -> bytesreturn
Instead of using str(packet) its better use bytes(packet)
For convert byte array to string:
packetstr = "".join(map(chr, bytes(packet)))
Solution 2:
You can try something along the lines of:
if packet.haslayer(Raw):
data = str(packet.getlayer(Raw))
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