Filter Objects Within Two Seconds Of One Another Using Sqlalchemy
Solution 1:
Let me first explain why what you tried doesn't work. SQLAlchemy is just a convenient way to write SQL queries, all the querying is nonetheless happening on the remote side. SQLAlchemy columns are special objects whose __eq__
, __gt__
etc methods are overwritten to return not True
or False
, but other special objects, which remember what was the object they were compared to and can generate appropriate SQL statements later. The same is for adding etc: The custom __add__
, __sub__
method does not return a number or a concatenated string but also such an object, that generates an sql statement. You can compare / add them to strings, integers etc, other columns, select statements, mysql function calls etc, but not to special python objects like timedeltas. (Simplified, and probably technically not 100% correct ;) )
So what you can do is:
- Make the values in the database integers, eg unix timestamps. That way your
query will work (with2
instead of the delta) - Use database-side functions to convert the datetime format date to a unix timestamp and then do the comparison.
UPDATE: I've played around a little with that, and somehow it does work, there even is an Interval
data type. However at least here it does not work properly:
>>> db.session.execute([User.date_joined, User.date_joined + timedelta(seconds=2)], limit=1)).fetchall()
[(datetime.datetime(2009, 7, 10, 20, 47, 33), 20090710204733.0)]
>>> db.session.execute([User.date_joined, User.date_joined + 2], limit=1)).fetchall()
[(datetime.datetime(2009, 7, 10, 20, 47, 33), 20090710204735.0)]
>>> db.session.execute([User.date_joined+0, User.date_joined + 2], limit=1)).fetchall()
[(20090710204733.0, 20090710204735.0)]
>>> db.session.execute([User.date_joined, User.date_joined + timedelta(seconds=2)], limit=1)).fetchall()
TypeError: expected stringor buffer
>>> db.session.execute([User.date_joined, User.date_joined + 2], limit=1)).fetchall()
[(datetime.datetime(2010, 5, 28, 23, 8, 22, 476708), 2012)]
>>> db.session.execute([User.date_joined+0, User.date_joined + 2], limit=1)).fetchall()
[(2010, 2012)]
I don't know why the first one fails on MySQL and why it returns floats. The SQLite errors seem to happen because SQLite does not have a DATETIME data type and SQLAlchemy stores it as a string.
You'll have to play around with that a little, maybe you'll find a way that works - but I think to stay really dbms independent the integer method will be the only feasible way.
Solution 2:
The approach is to convert the dates to unix timestamps.
In a recent code I used the following lines successfully:
from sqlalchemy.sql importfunc
q = q.join(q2, func.abs(func.unix_timestamp(rssi1.datetime)-func.unix_timestamp(q2.c.datetime)) <=2 )
Note, however, that simply copies xxx to the query as a string, so the database has to support function xxx. This example is for MySQL.
Solution 3:
After some time with this question open, the approach so far is the one I've come up with:
from sqlalchemy.sql import between
import datetime
# [all other relevant imports]
td = datetime.timedelta(seconds=2)
t1_entry = session.query(table_1).filter( =='the_name').first()
if t1_entry isnotNone:
tmin = - td
tmax = + td
t2_entry = session.query(table_2).filter(between(, tmin, tmax)).first()
return (t1_entry, t2_entry)
If you have a better idea, I will accept your answer.
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