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Heroku Python Failed To Detect App Matching Buildpack

I can't deploy my Flask app to Heroku... I've searched in every thread I can and nothing worked for me : add a runtime.txt, set a buildpack. I don't know what can be wrong now. Her

Solution 1:

Change to requirements.txt.

If you're using the default Python 2.7.13 you shouldn't need a runtime.txt. You'd think that specifying the runtime would trigger the language detection but even without packages to install, Heroku requires an empty requirements.txt.

Solution 2:

I was spend time with a very similar error.

In my case, i tried to deploy a django app.

I just run these commands to setup the buildpack

  heroku login
  heroku create--stack cedar --buildpack git://
  heroku config:add
  heroku config:set HEROKU=1

I decided to post this here because it took me a long time to get these tips

Solution 3:

edit the content of your Procfile to

web: gunicorn web:app --log-file=-

I assume your file is contained in your project's root folder i.e you see it once you enter your project's "Project" folder.

Otherwise, if it is contained in the app folder then use

web: gunicorn app.web:app --log-file=-

Solution 4:

I also run into similar problem. I was able to fix it by adding the runtime.txt

just put the version of the python you are using in the runtime.txt


Solution 5:

I'm late the to party but if you already have a requirements.txt file and you're getting this error, try adding a Procfile like shown here in the documentation:

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