How To Convert Unicode Dict To Dict
Solution 1:
You could use the demjson module which has a non-strict mode that handles the data you have:
import demjson
fordatain datalist:
dct = demjson.decode(data)
print dct['gallery'] # etc...
Solution 2:
In this case, I'd hand-craft a regular expression to make these into something you can evaluate as Python:
import re
import ast
from functools import partial
keys = re.compile(r'(gallery|smallimage|largeimage)')
fix_keys = partial(keys.sub, r'"\1"')
for entry in datalist:
entry = ast.literal_eval(fix_keys(entry))
Yes, this is limited; but it works for this set and is robust as long as the keys match. The regular expression is simple to maintain. Moreover, this doesn't use any external dependencies, it's all based on batteries already included.
>>> for entry in datalist:
... print ast.literal_eval(fix_keys(entry))
{'largeimage': '', 'gallery': 'gal1', 'smallimage': ''}
{'largeimage': '', 'gallery': 'gal1', 'smallimage': ''}
{'largeimage': '', 'gallery': 'gal1', 'smallimage': ''}
{'largeimage': '', 'gallery': 'gal1', 'smallimage': ''}
{'largeimage': '', 'gallery': 'gal1', 'smallimage': ''}
Solution 3:
Just as another thought, your list is properly formatted Yaml.
> yaml.load(u'{foo: "bar"}')['foo']
And if you want to be really fancy and parse everything at once:
> data = yaml.load('['+','.join(datalist)+']')
> data[0]['smallimage']
> data[3]['gallery']
Solution 4:
If your dictionary keys were quoted, you could
use json.loads
to load the string.
import json
for i in datalist:
print json.loads(i)['smallimage']
would have worked too...)
however, as it is, this will work with an old-school eval
>>> classMdict(dict):
... def__missing__(self,key):
... return key
... >>> eval(datalist[0],Mdict(__builtins__=None))
{'largeimage': '', 'gallery': 'gal1', 'smallimage': ''}
Note that this is probably vulnerable to injection attacks, so only use it if the string is from a trusted source.
Finally, for anyone wanting a short, although somewhat dense solution that uses only the standard library and isn't vulnerable to injection attacks... This little gem does the trick (assuming the dictionary keys are valid identifiers)!
import ast
return ast.Str(
transformer = RewriteName()
for x in datalist:
tree = ast.parse(x,mode='eval')
print ast.literal_eval(tree)['smallimage']
Solution 5:
Your datalist is a list
of unicode strings.
You could use eval
, except your keys are not properly quoted. what you can do is requote your keys on the fly with replace
for i in datalist:
my_dict = eval(i.replace("gallery", "'gallery'").replace("smallimage", "'smallimage'").replace("largeimage", "'largeimage'"))
print my_dict["smallimage"]
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