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How To Execute This Curl In Python 2.7 To Delete Documents From Elasticsearch?

Hello I am new to python and elasticsearch. On my local I have setup Elasticsearch and have added data to it. I want to delete some _ids

Solution 1:

If there are a lot of ids, try parallel_bulk deletion in python: documentaion here:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import helpers

es = Elasticsearch()
index_name = es_index
doc_type = your_doc_type
ids = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']

def generate_actions(ids):
    for i in ids:
        yield {
            '_op_type': 'delete',
            '_index': index_name,
            '_type': doc_type,
            '_id': i

for success, info in helpers.parallel_bulk(client=es, actions=generate_actions(ids), thread_count=4):
    if not success: 
        print('Doc failed', info)

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