How To Find Two Randoms Nodes With No Edges Between Them In Graph?
I am quite new in python, I want to find two random nodes in network which has no edges between them, But my program sometimes return empty list or more than two nodes. can anyone
Solution 1:
If you just want one pair of nodes, there is no reason to make a list. Just find the pair!
while True:
u, v = random.sample(G.nodes(), 2)
if not (G.has_edge(u, v) or G.has_edge(v, u)):
Now use u
and v
Solution 2:
import networkx as nx
import random
G=nx.gnm_random_graph( n, m, seed=None, directed=True)
nodes = G.nodes()
defselect_2_random_unconnected_nodes(node_list, graph):
selected_node = random.choice(node_list)
# obtain all the nodes connected to the selected node
connected_nodes = [n for _, n in G.edges(selected_node)]
print(connected_nodes + [selected_node])
# a feasible node is one not in connected_nodes and also not the first selected_node
feasible_nodes = [feasible_n for feasible_n in node_list if feasible_n notin connected_nodes + [selected_node]]
# select a second node from the feasible_nodes list
select_second_node = random.choice(feasible_nodes)
return selected_node, select_second_node
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