How To Fix The Enviroment Variable Gdal_data Path Set?
I have been work with gdal in python 2.7 in windows 10 and Pycharm, and I can't fix the GDAL_DATA path in the environment. Because that I got this message: ERROR 4: Unable to ope
Solution 1:
For some reason that I do not understand the GDAL_DATA
variable (and for that matter also the PROJ_LIB
variable) are not set at installation of the GDAL packages with Anaconda 4.6.
To set these variables I do the following at the start of the program before calling any of the geo modules.
import os
os.environ['GDAL_DATA'] = os.environ['CONDA_PREFIX'] + r'\Library\share\gdal'
os.environ['PROJ_LIB'] = os.environ['CONDA_PREFIX'] + r'\Library\share'
For information for my conda environment the CONDA_PREFIX is:
Hope this helps.
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