How To Flatten A Nested Dictionary?
Is there a native function to flatten a nested dictionary to an output dictionary where keys and values are in this format: _dict2 = { '': 2, '
Solution 1:
You want to traverse the dictionary, building the current key and accumulating the flat dictionary. For example:
defflatten(current, key, result):
ifisinstance(current, dict):
for k in current:
new_key = "{0}.{1}".format(key, k) iflen(key) > 0else k
flatten(current[k], new_key, result)
result[key] = current
return result
result = flatten(my_dict, '', {})
Using it:
print(flatten(_dict1, '', {}))
{'this.example.too': 3, 'example': 'fish', '': 4, '': 2}
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