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How To Get Error Log Of A Disutils Setup In Python?

I am new to Python. I have created some C/C++ extensions for Python and able to build those with the help of Python disutils setup script. But, I have to integrate this setup scrip

Solution 1:

Setting DISTUTILS_DEBUG=1 in the environment will cause debug logging.

Solution 2:

distutils1 (first version) uses too a internal version of logging (a bit hardcoded, it is not using the standard logging module). I think that it is possible to set the verbosity level coding something like:

import distutils.log
distutils.log.set_verbosity(-1) # Disable logging in disutils
distutils.log.set_verbosity(distutils.log.DEBUG) # Set DEBUG level

All distutils's logging levels available:


You can see the source code of the class "Log" of distutils for reference. Usually for Python 2.7 in /usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/

Solution 3:

Passing the -v parameter to python build to increase verbosity usually works to get more detailed errors.

Solution 4:

The verbose option is not additive, it converts to a boolean. Thus no matter how many times you invoke the verbose option it will always be 1 and 1 always sets the level to INFO, which is the default anyway.

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