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How To Make A Discord Bot Asynchronously Wait For Reactions On Multiple Messages?

tl;dr How can my bot to asynchronously wait for reactions on multiple messages? I'm adding a rock-paper-scissors (rps) command to my Discord bot. Users can invoke the command can

Solution 1:

You should be able to use asyncio.gather to schedule multiple coroutines to execute concurrently. Awaiting gather waits for all of them to finish and returns their results as a list.

from asyncio import gather

async def rps(ctx, opponent: discord.User = None):
    Play rock-paper-scissors!
    if opponent is None:
        opponent = bot.user
    author_helper = rps_dm_helper(, opponent)  # Note no "await"
    opponent_helper = rps_dm_helper(opponent,
    author_emoji, opponent_emoji = await gather(author_helper, opponent_helper)

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