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Image Color Recognition, The General Color

I want to get the most prominent color of an image, and the language can be in either python or ruby. Is this easily done?

Solution 1:

I don't know if this is what you mean, but maybe it will be helpful:

include Magick

image ="stack.png")[0]
hash = image.color_histogram
color, number = hash.max{|a,b| a[1] <=> b[1]}
puts color.to_color

This worked like a charm for very simple image (only 5 colors), but should work for more complex images too (I did not tested that; returned hash will be quite big in that case, so you might want to use quantize on your image before using color_histogram).

Some resources :


I hope this was useful to you. :)

Solution 2:

OK. Let me introduce the library for Ruby.

Using Camellia,, you can label the area with the most prominent color.

Solution 3:

Not sure if this is what you mean, but the Python PIL has im.histogram() and im.getcolors() functions.

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