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Install-time Dependencies In Requirements.txt

I'm using tox to prepare venv and run unit tests and my application needs openopt library which in turn imports numpy.distutils.core in its No matter how I order numpy an

Solution 1:

UPDATE There is an issue in the tox project that might be implemented that would add functionality to deal with these kinds of problems in a more "official" way. Discussion is here: Add an option to run commands after virtualenv creation but before other steps

UPDATE (a bit more background): The main problem is that it is a BadThing(TM) to assume that some other package is installed already in these kinds of problems fall into the area of bootstrapping and they can be hellish to handle properly, but usually this is possible with some extra effort. If you really need a different package at setup time, you can look into setup_requires and some additional magic (have a look e.g. at setuptools_scm for inspiration). In the worst case and if the package is not to complicated, you can make it part of your package (which comes with its own problems though, like keeping it up to date and possible licensing conflicts).

Original answer:

If you use requirements.txt already, an easy (but admittedly ugly) solution would be:

  1. create two (or more) requirements files (e.g. requirements-0.txt and requirements-1.txt (hopefully with better names)).
  2. sort the packages by dependency into those files
  3. use commands instead of deps to install them in the right order


deps = 
    # whatever else where order does not matter

commands =
    pip install -r {toxinidir}/requirements-0.txt
    pip install -r {toxinidir}/requirements-1.txt
    # ... and more if needed# now do your actual testing ...
    pytest tests/unit

... or if you want to keep it even simpler, just stick the package that is being imported in of another package right in front of your single requirements.txt

commands =
    pip install <package that needs to be installed first (e.g. numpy)>
    pip install -r {toxinidir}/requirements.txt        
    pytest tests/unit

Solution 2:

It's documented in

deps = -rrequirements.txt

According to common practice on github, common trick is:

deps =

Solution 3:

I have a generic way to bootstrap build-time dependencies in You can use this even if you are not using tox. For this case, add the following snippet to the top of the script.

from setuptools.dist import Distribution

# Bootstrapping dependencies required for the setup

Warning: This will install numpy using easy_install. Installing numpy with this method is somewhat tricky.

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