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Modulenotfounderror: No Module Named 'ckeditor_uploader' In Django

I'm trying to integrate a ckeditor in my django blog application. I followed all the instructions in the github page of django-ckeditor precisely. i.e. installed, added to installe

Solution 1:

I have same problem like this and just upgrade ckeditor with command:

pip install django-ckeditor --upgrade

Solution 2:

Add ckeditor and ckeditor_uploader to your INSTALLED_APPS in

Solution 3:

I have already done @Nikkey's suggestions but it sill was not working. I had django-ckeditor 3.6 version. I updated ckeditor as 5.9 version as manually. The problem has been solved.

Solution 4:

I had same problem but i had been solved this by adding this below two line in file

from ckeditor_uploader.fieldsimportRichTextUploadingFieldfrom ckeditor.fieldsimportRichTextField

Solution 5:

I also had this problem and fixed it by including the path in the urls file with.

urlpatterns = [
    path("ckeditor/", include('ckeditor_uploader.urls')), # <-- here
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

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