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Moving Desired Row To The Top Of Pandas Data Frame

In pandas, how can I copy or move a row to the top of the Data Frame without creating a copy of the Data Frame? For example, I managed to do almost what I want with the code below,

Solution 1:

Try this. You don't need to make a copy of the dataframe.

df["new"] = range(1,len(df)+1)

   Probe Sequence  new
0  Test1  AATGCGT    11  Test2  TGCGTAA    22  Test3  ATGCATG    3

df.ix[2,'new'] = 0
df.sort_values("new").drop('new', axis=1)

   Probe Sequence2  Test3  ATGCATG
0  Test1  AATGCGT
1  Test2  TGCGTAA

Basically, since you can't insert the row into the index at 0, create a column so you can.

If you want the index ordered, use this:

df.sort_values("new").reset_index(drop='True').drop('new', axis=1)

   Probe Sequence
0  Test3  ATGCATG
1  Test1  AATGCGT
2  Test2  TGCGTAA

Edit: df.ix is deprecated. Here's the same method with .loc.

df["new"] = range(1,len(df)+1)
df.loc[df.index==2, 'new'] = 0
df.sort_values("new").drop('new', axis=1)

Solution 2:


df = pd.concat([df.iloc[[n],:], df.drop(n, axis=0)], axis=0)

Solution 3:

Okay, I think I came up with a solution. By all means, please feel free to add your own answer if you think yours is better:

import numpy as np

df.ix[3] = np.nan


   Probe Sequence0  Test1  AATGCGT
1  Test2  TGCGTAA
2  Test3  ATGCATG
3    NaN      NaN

df = df.shift(1)

   Probe Sequence0    NaN      NaN
1  Test1  AATGCGT
2  Test2  TGCGTAA
3  Test3  ATGCATG

df.ix[0] = df.ix[2]


   Probe Sequence0  Test3  ATGCATG
1  Test1  AATGCGT
2  Test2  TGCGTAA
3  Test3  ATGCATG

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