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Pip Unable To Access Websites, Fresh Install Of Python 2.7.9

I just did a fresh/clean install of Python 2.7.9 to get pip (couldn't get it any other way) and now when I go to install something using it I get this error: pip install openpyxl D

Solution 1:

It seems like a network problem.

If you can open in your browser, then it may be some other issue.

Solution 2:

It appears you are behind a firewall on your corporate campus and need a proxy to make HTTP requests outside your local network. You will need to specify your proxy server in your shell before running pip:

SET HTTPS_PROXY=<proxyHost>:<proxyPort>
SET HTTP_PROXY=<proxyHost>:<proxyPort>

You can also specify a proxy directly to pip, but I understand this feature was broken at one point:

pip install <package> --proxy=<proxyHost>:<proxyPort>

However, we cannot determine your proxy information, you will need to do that. You may have some luck with:

import urllib2
print urllib2.getproxies()

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