Pipenv Install Does Not Install Everything From Pipfile
Solution 1:
, pip
and wheel
are a part of python package and come preinstalled. Just keep them updated to the latest version.
Solution 2:
The only pattern I see here is, that whitenoise and django-storages is not part of the top [packages]. Maybe, just to get closer to the source of the problem, try to take a package, for example gunicorn, past it to the bottom and do something like this:
extras = [ "",]`
Also, PythonPATH works a bit weird on Windows, make sure thats not the problem when you switched. Maybe have a look at your native Python installation if the packages appeared there and not in your env :)
Solution 3:
So what worked was removing the pipfile and manually re-installing each package with pipenv install
, this resulted in a slightly different looking pipfile, by the looks of it what caused me this issue, was an update to pipenv itself... have a look:
old Pipfile:
[[source]]url = "https://pypi.python.org/simple"verify_ssl = truename = "pypi"[requires]python_version = "3.7"[packages]Django = "*"django-split-settings = "*"python-dotenv = "*"django-compressor = "*"django-libsass = "*"Brotli = "*"django-htmlmin = "*"dj-database-url = "*"wagtail = "*"wagtail-metadata = "*"wagtail-blocks = "*"psycopg2 = "*"django-tz-detect = "*"wagtailcodeblock = "*"django-taggit = "*"django-taggit-templatetags2 = "*"django-fontawesome-5 = "*"django-debug-toolbar = "*"wagtail-robots = "*"wand = "*"gunicorn = "*"[dev-packages]pylint = "*"django-debug-toolbar = "*"[packages.whitenoise]extras = [ "brotli",]
[packages.django-storages]extras = [ "dropbox",]
after manually re-installing each package on fresh environment:
[[source]]name = "pypi"url = "https://pypi.org/simple"verify_ssl = true[dev-packages]pylint = "*"django-debug-toolbar = "*"[packages]django = "*"django-split-settings = "*"python-dotenv = "*"django-compressor = "*"django-libsass = "*"brotli = "*"django-htmlmin = "*"dj-database-url = "*"wagtail = "*"wagtail-metadata = "*"wagtail-blocks = "*"django-tz-detect = "*"wagtailcodeblock = "*"django-taggit = "*"django-taggit-templatetags2 = "*"django-fontawesome-5 = "*"django-debug-toolbar = "*"wagtail-robots = "*"wand = "*"whitenoise = {extras = ["brotli"], version = "*"}
django-storages = {extras = ["dropbox"], version = "*"}
gunicorn = "*"[requires]python_version = "3.7"
Installing from this pipfile using pipenv install
worked fine, and all packages were installed.
I am not exactly sure why this all happened, perhaps it's a bug in pipenv, or maybe there is no backward-compatibility. If anyone knows please let me know.
If you want to fix this without reinstalling every package, you can simply replace bits looking like this:
[packages.whitenoise]extras = [ "brotli",]
and convert them to this format:
whitenoise = {extras = ["brotli"], version = "*"}
after doing that run pipenv install
and all your dependencies will be installed correctly
I submitted an issue on the Pipenv repository: https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/4433
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