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Pycharm Fails To Debug Qt5 (pyside2) Code - Error 'shiboken.objecttype' Object Is Not Iterable

I have some experience with Python console applications and now trying to start with Qt for Python (Qt 5.12, PySide2). Actually I'm trying some basic tutorials to understand how it

Solution 1:

A few days ago Arch Linux updated its version of Python to 3.8 but PySide2 does not yet have a compatible version causing the error you are pointing out. As they point out in this report PYSIDE-1140:

I'm keeping this open, but it will probably be solved for 5.14, since then Python 3.8 will be introduced as a new compatible Python version.

So you have 2 options:

  • Wait for a release of PySide2 that is compatible with Python3.8.

  • Or install Python3.7 or an old version from aur (using yay) and then install PySide2 using pip.

Solution 2:

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