Python How To Map Categorical Values Into New Numeric Values Without Getting The Indices Must Be Integer Error?
I need to map some categorical values to integers. I tried the solution from this link at In[24]: title_mapping = {'Mr': 0, 'Miss': 1, 'Mrs': 2, 'Master': 3, 'Dr'
Solution 1:
The error is probably because you are trying to iterate from your train
DataFrame instead of the list of DataFrames train_test_data
Try simply doing:
train['Title'] = train['Title'].map(title_mapping)
The notebook you are basing on first creates a list of dataframes at [21]:
train_test_data = [train, test]
So when it is iterating at [24] it first goes thru train
and then test
fully, which it's whats needed when mapping a column.
By the way, if you ever want to iterate row by row from a DataFrame, do like this:
for index_value, rowin df.iterrows():
# you can work foreachcolumnfrom that row:
>>>0>>> I'm a column value
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