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Python Kafkaconsumer Start Consuming Messages From A Timestamp

I'm planning to skip the start of the topic and only read messages from a certain timestamp to the end. Any hints on how to achieve this?

Solution 1:

I'm guessing you are using kafka-python ( as you mentioned "KafkaConsumer".

You can use the offsets_for_times() method to retrieve the offset that matches a timestamp.

Following that just seek to that offset using seek().

Hope this helps!

Solution 2:

I got around it, however I'm not sure about the values that I got from using the method. I have a KafkaConsumer (ck), I got the partitions for the topic with the assignment() method. Thus, I can create a dictionary with the topics and the timestamp I'm interested into (in this case 100).

Side Question:Should I use 0 in order to get all the messages?.

I can use that dictionary as the argument in the offsets_for_times(). However, the values that I got are all None

zz = dict(zip(ck.assignment(), [100]*ck.assignment() ))
z = ck.offsets_for_times(zz)

dict_values([None, None, None])

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