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Python Libvirt Api - Create A Virtual Machine

I am trying to create a python script to handle basic VM operations like: create a VM, delete a VM, start, stop, etc. Currently I'm rather 'stuck' on create From the command line y

Solution 1:

I finally found and answer to my problems- so I'm posting the solution here in case anyone ever hits the same problem.

The libvirt connection object can work with storage pools.

From the "A storage pool is a quantity of storage set aside by an administrator, often a dedicated storage administrator, for use by virtual machines. Storage pools are divided into storage volumes either by the storage administrator or the system administrator, and the volumes are assigned to VMs as block devices."

Basically a volume is what quemu-img create creates. Once you create a storage pool in the same directory where all the .img (created using qemu-img) files are; the files created with qemu-img are seen as volumes.

The following code will list all existing volumes, including the ones created with qemu-img

conn =

pools = conn.listAllStoragePools(0)

for pool in pools:              

    #check if pool is activeif pool.isActive() == 0:
        #activate pool

    stgvols = pool.listVolumes()
    print('Storage pool: '
    for stgvol in stgvols :
        print('  Storage vol: '+stgvol)

Creating a storage pool:

def createStoragePool(conn):        
        xmlDesc = """

        pool = conn.storagePoolDefineXML(xmlDesc, 0)

        #set storage pool autostart     
        return pool

Creating a volume:

defcreateStoragePoolVolume(pool, name):    
        stpVolXml = """
          <capacity unit="G">10</capacity>

        stpVol = pool.createXML(stpVolXml, 0)   
        return stpVol

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