Qt Tooltip How To Prevent The Text From Disappearing After The Builtin Delay?
I have a QGraphicsScene and inside I have a few QGraphicsItems. When I hover over a QGraphicsRectItem, I want to show an overlay text immediately. Only when the cursor leaves the i
Solution 1:
I thought this SO post and this page might be your answer. But as you point out, a comment at bottom of page indicates this only works for controlling how soon tooltip appears, not how long it remains visible. Unfortunately, that link to bug item no longer exists (see also Keep Qt tooltip open). The closest I found is https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31707 which hasn't been assigned to anyone, which suggests that you either have to find a library that provides what you want or, short of that, you have to implement your own. For the latter, you might want to look at QxtToolTip or example
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