Reference Previous Row When Iterating Through Dataframe
Solution 1:
This is what you are trying to do?
In [38]: df = DataFrame(randn(10,2),columns=list('AB'))
In [39]: df['B'] = np.nan
In [40]: df.loc[df.A<-1,'B'] = -1
In [41]: df.loc[df.A>1,'B'] = 1
In [42]: df.ffill()
0 -1.186808 -11 -0.095587 -12 -1.921372 -13 -0.772836 -140.016883 -150.350778 -160.165055 -171.10156118 -0.34678619 -0.1862631
Solution 2:
Similar question here: Reference values in the previous row with map or apply . My impression is that pandas should handle iterations and we shouldn't have to do it on our own... Therefore, I chose to use the DataFrame 'apply' method.
Here is the same answer I posted on other question linked above...
You can use the dataframe 'apply' function and leverage the unused the 'kwargs' parameter to store the previous row.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[0,1,2], 'b':[0,10,20]})
new_col = 'c'defapply_func_decorator(func):
prev_row = {}
defwrapper(curr_row, **kwargs):
val = func(curr_row, prev_row)
prev_row[new_col] = val
return val
return wrapper
@apply_func_decoratordefrunning_total(curr_row, prev_row):
return curr_row['a'] + curr_row['b'] + prev_row.get('c', 0)
df[new_col] = df.apply(running_total, axis=1)
# Output will be:# a b c# 0 0 0 0# 1 1 10 11# 2 2 20 33
This example uses a decorator to store the previous row in a dictionary and then pass it to the function when Pandas calls it on the next row.
Disclaimer 1: The 'prev_row' variable starts off empty for the first row so when using it in the apply function I had to supply a default value to avoid a 'KeyError'.
Disclaimer 2: I am fairly certain this will be slower the apply operation but I did not do any tests to figure out how much.
Solution 3:
Try this: If the first value is neither >= 1
or < -1
set to 0
or whatever you like.
df["B"] = None
df["B"] = np.where(df['A'] >= 1, 1,df['B'])
df["B"] = np.where(df['A'] < -1, -1,df['B'])
df = df.ffill().fillna(0)
This solves the problem stated, But the real solution to reference previous row is use .shift()
or .index() -1
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