Sort Nested List: Exclude First Item From Sorting
SET I have a csv file which includes the current balance of my refreshments (it is comma separated, but in this example commas , are removed for improved readability): NAME
Solution 1:
A clean one liner will be:
items_list[1:] = sorted(items_list[1:])
Solution 2:
The easiest way I can think of is to use pandas
Read the csv using pandas:
df = pd.read_csv("my_refresments.csv")
which sorts the data according to price, and the header is stored in df.columns
, so it is not sorted with the actual data.
Solution 3:
It is simple possible solution,
[items_list[0]] + sorted(items_list[1:])
or Use pandas
If there's no reason not to use
thanks to juanpa.arrivillaga
To explain why use sorted()
not .sort()
return sorted list, but .sort()
is change list it self. (not return)
so If you want to use .sort()
then code will be
values = items_list[1:].sort()
item_list = [item_list[0]] + values
using sorted
is more short!
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