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Threading With Twisted With Tkinter

I am currently working on a Battleship game project (for learning purposes) that uses tkinter for the UI and, because I want this program to be able to run on two computers for mul

Solution 1:

I took a look at the source code for twisted.internet.tksupport and it appears it has not been ported to support Python 3. The culprit is the line importing the tkinter modules:

import tkSimpleDialog, tkMessageBox

In Python 3 the equivalent would be:

from tkinter import simpledialog, messagebox

To get around this until Twisted supports Tkinter for Python 3, you should be able create your own tksupport module:

# tksupport.pyfrom tkinter import simpledialog, messagebox
from twisted.internet import task

_task = Nonedefinstall(widget, ms=10, reactor=None):
    """Install a Tkinter.Tk() object into the reactor."""
    global _task
    _task = task.LoopingCall(widget.update)
    _task.start(ms / 1000.0, False)

    """Remove the root Tk widget from the reactor.

    Call this before destroy()ing the root widget.
    """global _task
    _task = NonedefinstallTkFunctions():
    import twisted.python.util
    twisted.python.util.getPassword = getPassword

defgetPassword(prompt = '', confirm = 0):
        try1 = simpledialog.askstring('Password Dialog', prompt, show='*')
        ifnot confirm:
            return try1
        try2 = simpledialog.askstring('Password Dialog', 'Confirm Password', show='*')
        if try1 == try2:
            return try1
            messagebox.showerror('Password Mismatch', 'Passwords did not match, starting over')

__all__ = ["install", "uninstall"]

And following a slightly modified version of Twisted's Tkinter example you would do:

import tkinter as tk
from twisted.internet import reactor

import tksupport

root = tk.Tk()

# Install the Reactor support

# at this point build Tk app as usual using the root object,# and start the program with "", and stop it# with "reactor.stop()".

Solution 2:

I currently have twisted 17.9.0 and python 3.6. In reference to the answer above, tksupport for python 3 is now available with twisted, so no need to create your own tksupport module.

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