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Transforming An Abaqus Macro Into A Python Script

I am using Abaqus (6.13) to run FEM thermal simulations. I need to get the total external heat flux aplied on that model. My searches indicated that the only way to get it was to s

Solution 1:

here is a script that does essentially what you want: (and you see we only need the three import's)

from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *
import visualization
session.viewports['Viewport: 1'].setValues(displayedObject=odb)
session.xyDataListFromField(odb=odb, outputPosition=NODAL,
          variable=(('NT11', NODAL),  ),
                   nodeSets=('PART-1-1.SETNAME', ))
keyname='From Field Data: NT11  at part instance PART-1-1'# run this to see what the keys look like:# [ o.description for o in session.xyDataObjects.values() ]
temp=[o for o in session.xyDataObjects.values() if
#note if you only have requested one data type you could just do:#temp=session.xyDataObjects.values()
session.writeXYReport(fileName='test.rpt', xyData=temp)
#alternate way to directly write data instead of using writexyreport:
for o in temp: f.write('%i %g\n'%

run with abaqus cae -noGUI or abaqus cae

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