Unicodeencodeerror: 'charmap' Codec Can't Encode Character
Python throws this when using the wolfram alpha api: Traceback (most recent call last): File 'c:\Python27\lib\threading.py', line 530, in __bootstrap_inner self.run() File
Solution 1:
Looks like you're passing in high-byte data to the API, and it's not liking that (\xd7 is the "Times" character; looks like an X). I'm not certain what purpose the print is for, but changing it to be print "l: " + repr(l)
or print "l: ", l
might at least get you past the above error, assuming you don't want to be in the business of converting the body to unicode (I'm assuming it's not...).
If that doesn't help, we'll need more details. Where is your input coming from? Is body unicode, or a byte string? Are you using python 2.7 or 3.x?
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