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Why Does Pip Freeze List "pkg-resources==0.0.0"?

On Ubuntu 16.04 with virtualenv 15.0.1 and Python 3.5.2 (both installed with apt) when I create and activate new Python virtual environment with virtualenv .virtualenvs/wtf -p $(wh

Solution 1:

According to, this is a bug resulting from Ubuntu providing incorrect metadata to pip. So, no there does not seem to be a good reason for this behaviour. I filed a follow-up bug with Ubuntu.

Solution 2:

I had the same problem in my virtual environment. I removed it with pip uninstall pkg-resources==0.0.0

Solution 3:

As mentioned in other answer this is a bug. However, on linux you can use the following command to automatically remove the line containing pkg-resources==0.0.0.

$ pip freeze > && grep -v "pkg-resources==0.0.0" > temp && mv temp

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